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Nijer'e proje gezisi

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UNICEF ile birlikte dünyanın en fakir ülkelerinden biri olan Nijer'e bir saha gezisinde

GARDENA, bir yıldan biraz daha uzun bir süredir Birleşmiş Milletler Çocuklara Yardım Fonu UNICEF'i dünya çapındaki su, sanitasyon ve sanitasyon projeleri için desteklemektedir. Nisan ayında, her ikisi de GARDENA çalışanı olan Joachim Heppler ve Heribert Wettels, UNICEF'in bu alandaki çalışmaları hakkında gerçek bir izlenim edinmek için Nijer'e giderek bir hafta geçirme fırsatı buldular.

A little girl next to a tree

Life in Niger poses particular challenges to girls, such as those from the Matameye community in the Maradi region. According to a Unicef report, only around half of children between the ages of 7 and 16 go to school. More than a third of girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 were already pregnant or had children. The birth rate in Niger is 7.3 children per woman - the highest in the world. (Image: Heribert Wettels)

Several small children, one of them leading a bull

In the dry, dusty country, the livelihood of the very young population due to the abundance of children is constantly in danger. One of the biggest challenges is the supply of safe drinking water. So here in the municipality Dokoro in the region Maradi. (Image: Heribert Wettels)

Some UNICEF employees at a water tap

With projects for water, sanitation and hygiene, Unicef supports above all the rural population of Niger, as here in the municipality of Groumdji in the Maradi region. (Image: Heribert Wettels)
